Ideally, I think this is the way to do it:
Day 1: Chest-Triceps
Day 2: Back-Biceps
Day 3: Legs-Shoulders
I've also seen something referenced as a Push/Pull workout, to integrate a full body routine as well. I think I might use this to start to get my body back in action. One of the Push/Pull workouts I have seen is recommended to do 10-16 reps of each exercise, and and sets each week until comfortable.
Push Workout:
Dumbbell Squat (quads, glutes)
![]() Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells over the shoulders or at your sides. Bend knees and lower into a squat as far as you can (butt no lower than knees), making sure your knees do not go over your toes. Push through the heels and butt to stand and repeat. |
Reverse Lunge (quads, hamstrings, glutes)
![]() Stand with feet together, weights in hand. Step back about 3 feet with the right foot and bend knees into a lunge, keeping both knees at 90 degree angles and the front knee behind the toe. Push through the heels to lift back up, bringing foot back to start. Repeat for number of reps and switch legs. |
Tricep Kickbacks (triceps
![]() ![]() |
One-Arm Tricep Pushups (triceps)
![]() ![]() Lie down on left side, hips and knees stacked. Wrap the left arm around torso so that left hand is resting on the right waist. Place the right hand on the floor in front of you, palm parallel to the body. Squeeze the triceps and push your body up. Lower and repeat before switching sides.
Pull Workout:
I think I might give this a shot for a couple weeks to get into the swing of things, and then split up the concentration by body area.
The trick is going to be successfully integrating this in. We have the running schedule set, and I've been good about adding in a cross training day. (My cross training day is going to increase in July when I use an unlimited bikram yoga purchase I bought from Groupon).
My goal is to tone all of my muscle groups and increase my strength so that I am less likely to injure myself. Also, I think that when I am pushing this much cardio, it's going to be twice as effective if I strengthen my core and muscles. And, I am hopefully going to see the results I am looking for. Here's hoping!
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My friend Kerri shared this with me this week, and it was very fitting, and very inspirational:
Push/Pull workout courtesy of